Hello beautiful! I hope you had a great new year celebration. Now let’s make this year a great year.

All you need to do is to include certain things in your daily routine to make the whole year a blast Because it’s the smallest of the effort that counts.

How to have a great year?

Pamper yourself!

This year is about YOU and only YOU. So, let’s focus on ourselves this year.

Here are a few things that you can include in your routine to make yourself feel loved:

  • The very first thing is to compliment yourself whenever you look in the mirror because you my girl, are beautiful!
  • Secondly, never skip out on your skincare routine. Cleanse, Moisturise, and put on that damn SPF even during the winters.
  • Gift yourself. Yup, every time you win something or even if you don’t, just buy yourself what you want. But obviously don’t forget to save money!

Create a bucket list.

I have no idea how many times I have written this in my blog that you need to write things as much as you can.

Writing things make those things happen for you.

So, if you wholeheartedly want something, always pen it down in your diary.

Below mentioned are a few things you can write on your bucket list:

  • Your Financial Goals
  • Your Spiritual Goals
  • Your Travel Goals
  • Your Career Goals
  • Your Personality Goals

Now, every time you achieve something make sure to mark it done from the list.

Feel Grateful

Honestly, there is so much power in being grateful for the things that you have achieved in your life. The more you feel thankful even for the tiniest of achievements, the more good things will flow into your life.

Hence, don’t forget to be grateful, every day.

Smile more!

Make time for your hobbies!

Don’t become so overloaded with work that you don’t make out time for yourself. We have done that before, and we know where it got us, NOWHERE right?!

Therefore, this year let’s flip the game and do what makes us HAPPY.

Here are a bunch of things you can try to include in your routine:

  • An outdoor sport
  • Gymming
  • Painting/ Sketching/ Coloring
  • Music
  • Book Reading


I have no clue, how some people just keep on working and never stop. I mean it’s good that you are working and earning money but it is very important for you to rest.

Sleeping for at least 6-8 hours a day is beneficial for you in every perspective. If you don’t sleep, your productivity will fall and eventually you won’t feel so nice.

So, think about it, and take some time off for yourself. Don’t work 7 days a week.

Must read: How to feel better after a bad day?

Have Fun.

Lastly, I would say HAVE FUN.

This is your moment. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Don’t think about the past/present/future or whatever, just go with the flow.

Don’t let that beautiful smile of yours go in vain. Show it off more!

You would also like to read: 22 Lessons from the year 2022!

Have fun!

Thank you so much for reading my post, if you like it please follow me up on Pinterest.