Hello beautiful people! I know this month is coming to an end, however, your goals don’t have to end here. Let me help you establish some new goals/habits afterall the new months new goals are something we all deserve.

Alright ladies, as you all know there have to be certain things which have to be constant in our life. Here are 15 Good Habits you should never abandon.

15 Good Habits

  1. Making your bed as soon as you wake up.
  2. Exercising for at least 30 mins in a day.
  3. Eating healthy as much as you can and avoiding junk food.
  4. Having your skincare routine.
  5. Repeating positive affirmations to yourself.
  6. Cleaning your personal space now and then.
  7. Reading at least 10 pages in a day.
  8. Socialising with other people, be it friends, family or strangers.
  9. Scrolling less on Instagram and other social sites.
  10. Updating yourself with the current news.
  11. Keeping yourself hydrated all the time.
  12. Practising gratitude/journal.
  13. Spending time with yourself, for yourself.
  14. Doing one thing that you love every day/ pursuing a hobby.
  15. Always keep on a smile. It’s contagious.

Okay, ladies, I have revised these simple basic rules/ habits for you. Now, let’s set up some new goals. So, keep on following the below-mentioned steps, and you’ll reach there.

Types of Goals

  1. Career Goals
  2. Personal Goals
  3. Spiritual Goals
  4. Financial Goals
  5. Emotional Goals

I also created a bucket list guide on some of these goals. Make sure to check that as well.

Identify the motive.

The first step in goal setting is to identify its motive. If you look closely, everything you want to achieve has a motive behind it. Find that WHY?

Remind yourself of the WHY

Once you know, why you want to achieve that particular goal of yours, remind yourself of the reason again and again.

This will help you build repetition and you will automatically start taking action to achieve it.

Start taking actions

You will notice yourself changing automatically. This is a good change.

Now all you have to do it to keep on repeating these actions and you will eventually achieve your goal.

You can also try my personal favourite 333 Manifestation method. It’s an amazing way to make things real.

Achieve your goal

If you keep on following the abovementioned steps, you will achieve your goals.

Always remember that there is nothing that can stop you. Have faith in yourself.

I hope it was helpful. Thank You for reading. I hope you visit my site again. Sending love.