Thankfully, this year is going to end peacefully for most of us. But this happy ending is just the beginning of a beautiful year. So, let’s not go empty-handed to welcome such a big day in our life, let’s get some of the most precious lessons and make the coming year the happiest starting day 1.

And you already know who’s going to assemble all these lessons for you, me right?!

So, let’s hop into it.

Today is all we have.

One of the biggest lessons I learnt this year is that the ” Present moment is a gift”. So, live it while you have it.


We all keep on running after things like there is a day called tomorrow when there isn’t. Don’t delay things just because you do not feel like getting out of your comfort zone. It’s as important as brushing your teeth regularly as it is to do whatever it takes NOW!

Don’t take this bad habit of delaying tasks to the new year. Otherwise, all your weekends will be full of tasks and chores you don’t wanna do. Trust me on this one!

Stop explaining yourself.

You know what, it takes a lot of patience and energy to stay quiet. But believe me, it’s worth it. The more you stop explaining to the people why you did what you did, the happier you’ll be.

The reason for doing this is simple; if the right people are hearing you, communication flows easily.

Also, read 7 ways to know you are with the wrong partner.

That means less waste of energy and more meaningful discussion. So, don’t be hard on yourself. Find the right people and talk.

Look within first.

Honestly, people really need to know this. Stop judging others for their actions. Not everyone is perfect and you are flawed too.

Look inside yourself. You are the best judge for yourself and the worst judge for others. Seriously, STOP!

It’s good for your own mental health too. Noticing other people’s wrong deeds only bring negativity to you. So, start seeing them through a positive lense, and you may be able to see them truly.

So, before you start judging others this new year, look within first.

Learn to love yourself!

I know you have done it all. You have done pleasing people. You have tried everything you could to satisfy people. If they are still not happy from you. It’s not your fault. It’s them not YOU.

You are loved. You are precious. You deserve everything.

So, in 2023, stop doing things for others. Do it for yourself, girl!!

There’s power in loving yourself.

Keep your expectations low.

Think about how many people left you this year who you thought were your always and forever. This lesson is heartbreaking but important.

Because you need to understand this; NOBODY IS PERMANENT.

The people who you think are your best friends right now may not take a stand for you when you need them the most.

So, look into it. See people for who they are. Not everyone deserves your love and care. Treat them how they deserve to be treated. And don’t expect . Don’t get attached to the wrong people.

Set up boundaries.

Before you entre the new year, it’s essential to set up some boundaries because you are not a free good.

Your time is valuable. You are valuable.

So, set up boundaries for the people you let in. Once they have achieved some milestones, give them credit. But don’t get too attached. You can never really know a person no matter how hard you try.

Dont take life too seriously.

Yup, it’s rightly said that a few bad days can’t ruin the whole life. So, it’s okay to commit mistakes. Just never stop learning the lessons.

Good days come after the bad days just like sun shines after a heavy rainfall.

You still have time to make things happen. So, Shine through it. Don’t waste time crying. It’s not going to help you in the long run.

Have fun!

What goes around, comes around.


This year, let’s do the right things in a right manner. Because as the headline states ” What goes around, comes around.”

It’s a trap. The more you spend time on negative things, the more they are gonna attack you.

And the more kindness and smiles you spread , the more you are gonna get back.

So, think about what exactly you want and do that without expectations and with good intentions.

Your competition is none other than you.

No matter how hard you try, you can never beat other people.

Because number 1 secret of successful people is that they work on their own performance and make it better. But most of us try to beat other people at their race, which is not possible.

Do your own thing. You are your biggest competitor. Better yourself for yourself.

Don’t run away from the lessons

If you don’t learn your lessons in one go, they are going to knock at your door again and again. These lessons are more stubborn than any person on the world.

So, if you don’t learn them, you’re going to get annoyed.

It’s you choice to go through similar situations again and again and not learn the lessons or go through it once and pass with flying colors.

Lessons learnt is equal to goals achieved.


The choice is always yours!

No matter how hard you try to deny this fact, you cannot. Because, your choices are what brought you here.

You have all the resources and expertise in the world to make things happen in the way you want. So, what are you waiting for?

There’s no one who knows better than you.

Write your thoughts.

Now you may say that I am not a writer. Well, I am not saying you to become one. I am only saying you to write what you feel. Journal your thoughts.

This will help you in getting more clarification if nothing else.

You can also learn to Affirm here.

Trust your gut

I probably would have repeated this ‘n’ number of times because it is important that your remember.

Your gut will take you where you are supposed to be. Therefore, start listening to your gut. It’s better than anything else in the world.

Embrace loneliness

Most people cannot survive a day without people around them. But you are strong babes.

You can live happily without having so many people around you.

Infact, You should know how to embrace loneliness because it is a super power. Not everybody can do that.

Embracing me time!

It will all make sense some day!

We don’t realise it at the moment, but when everything falls into its right place it all starts to make sense.

Each and everything that ever happened to you is happening, when get’s settled… turns out to be beautiful.

Many times, when we look back now, we know that it is all connected but at that moment you have no clue.

So, have faith in the journey, it’s more beautiful and magnificent the destination itself.

One decision can change your life.

Be it right or wrong, the power of your decisions is iconic.

Your decisions can either build up something you never imagined for you or it can destruct all that have.

Read more about CHANGE.

Don’t you dare quit.

I have no idea why people stop hustling when they are literally closest to their goal.

You need to grow up bro!

Don’t quit. Take a break if you are tired. Just don’t mess up this whole process by quitting.

Believe me, the urge to quit is intense when you are only 1 step away from your destination.

Don’t waste it all. Do what your gut says. Beneath everything, you know it!!

Nothing is more powerful than time.

If there’s anything that matters it is TIME.

Time can change everything. It can either bring you downfall or empower you greatly.

Circumstances keep on changing with time. If today its someone elses’ than tomorrow it may be yours!

Your perspective is important.

Every single person is different. And every single one of them owns a perspective. Because your perspective is how you view things. And as we all know beauty lies in the eyes of beholder, you know exactly what I mean to say.

So, don’t look down on yourself. Your view of the world is important and unique.

Always keep your chin up!

Don’t get yourself into unnecessary arguments.

A wise man once said

” Never argue with a fool. People will never know the difference”.

And this is important for your own peace. Before starting an argument , ask yourself:

  • Is it important?
  • Will it make a difference?
  • Is it worth the time and energy?

If the answer is positive, only then GO AHEAD.

Otherwise, let’s keep quiet and let the fool talk.

Your own happiness should be your number 1 priority.

Call it selfish or whatever, but babes no one really cares.

And if you do, you are either making a fool of yourself or you’re too good to be alive.

So, prioritise yourself and your happiness. It’s going to help you in the long run.

Making others happy and sacrificing your happiness is only gonna get you praise in the society but in real life, only PAIN.

Treat others the way they deserve

I am talking some real s**t here. Treating others nicely will give you what exactly? Think about it.

Learn to give them exactly what they deserve.

I am not saying you to be cruel, just be respectful and serve what they deserve.

Lastly, I hope this post was helpful and you have learnt your lessons well, because you know what will happen if you haven’t.

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