Summer season goes dope if you don’t have to worry about all the skin damage and tan. With sunscreen, life can be legit.

But hey, you seem confused about sunscreen.

Relax babe, let me help you.

What is Sunscreen?

In simple terms, it’s a product that protects your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

I know it feels so good to be out there in the sun, laying on a beautiful beach. But, not wearing an appropriate sunscreen would kill your shine from inside. And you definitely don’t want that. Do you?

Therefore Sunscreen is a must-have!

What is SPF?

Alright peeps, I know you have read this word a lot on the top of sunscreens but do not really get what that even means. It’s okay, you are not alone.

At first, even I didn’t know. I actually thought the more the SPF, the better it is. But not until recently did I realise that it’s not always true!! You still need to reapply them every two hours to not cause any harm.

Sun Protection Factor (SPF) basically tells you how much of the sun’s energy is required to harm your protected skin. For example, SPF 30 sunscreen blocks 97% of the UVB rays.

For regular use, dermatologists often suggest a minimum of 30 SPF sunscreen. But If you are having a beach day, be fully packed. You can go till 60 SPF if it’s way too sunny.

Protection from UVA and UVB.

You might have read these two words on top of the sunscreen as well.

To be precise, the sun emits two types of harmful rays: Ultraviolet A, and Ultraviolet B.

UVB rays cannot probe the glass, and are shorter but cause tans. On the other hand, UVA rays are more harmful and affect the innermost layers of the skin.

What type of sunscreen should we buy?

Honestly, I have tried a variety of them. And I’ll suggest you always go for a broad spectrum sunscreen ( multi-spectrum) that’ll save you from both UVA and UVB rays.

This is because firstly you don’t wanna spend too much money on buying 2 sunscreens when you can get one. Secondly, it’s effective. So, why not?

Also, make sure to check these two ingredients before adding sunscreen to your cart for better results: Avobenzone and zinc oxide.

Also, I have seen many people putting on different sunscreens on their bodies and face. You guys are rich! No, srsly!

If I were to for a sunscreen, I’ll go for just one that is effective on every part of my body and face. But the ones who have a sensitive skin type may go for different ones. I am sorry for another 20-30 bucks.

Also, I prefer lotions and creams more than the spray ones coz it’s not good if you inhale them.

But if you already have one, I’d suggest you put it on your hands and then apply it rather than doing it directly over your pretty face.

When do we need to apply sunscreen?

For those of you who don’t know, I live in Canada. And amidst all the sunshine and snowstorms, I practically apply sunscreen 365 days.

Yes, even during the snow. Sunscreen doesn’t only save you from tans but it’s anti-ageing and prevents skin cancer.

With that being said, it also applies to the days when you are going to stay home all day because you might come in contact with the rays through the window.

Be it rain or shine, sunscreen is a must. MUST!!!

Also, sunscreens are your last step in the basic skin routine.

And on sunny days, reapply every 2-3 hours to provide better coverage with no matter the SPF content in it.

Honestly, even if you’re on a beach to enjoy, prefer wearing a shirt over to provide extra coverage if you can. Or sit under some shade. After all, something is better than nothing.

My favourite Sunscreens

I hope this post was helpful. Thank you so much for your time.