Honestly, If I were rich I would never work but I am not 🙁 So, I have to work my whole life. But through my personal experience, I have realised that there’s a middle ground where we can be happy while working.

Your positivity coach (that’s me) has found the way to reach that ground and I would happily share it with you if you follow up with the details I will provide you!

Here we go!

Positivity at work

As it says in the heading, the only way to reach our goal is through maintaining positivity at work. Trust me, Positivity is a superpower that will help you succeed in every aspect of life.

Now, the question is how to achieve it. Don’t worry, I got you!!!

Don’t take homework!

You’re no more a school student. So, you don’t have to take any piece of work to your home.

If you believe me, then please don’t be that person who always says YES to their boss and gets nothing in return for all the hard work they put in.

Even if you do get extra paid, trust me, having a work-life balance is more crucial than anything else in the world.

If you have a family who truly loves and appreciate you, you should make time for them.

And the only way to have some quality time with them is to have no homework.

This way you will be at peace when you’re home. You will take care of yourself, rest well and consequently, be more productive the next day.

Moreover, you’ll be bringing positive energy to the table which is what we all wanted, right?

Feel gratitude

Look around yourself and you’ll find so many people jobless. Now, Imagine how many people in the world are struggling to get where you are at the moment.

You think you have less. From someone else’s eyes, you have everything they desire.

Give it a thought. Try to bring out that feeling of gratitude for what you’re getting in return for the job. As I said, the desire of getting more never ends.

However, the more grateful you are, the more you get in return. So, do yourself a favour and be grateful for everything.

What you give to nature, you get back twice!

Build rapport!

Your workplace will become your favourite place if you try to connect with them at a personal level.

We spend so much of our time at our workplace that we can call it our second home.

Therefore, the more you try to be engaging, fun, lovable, and respectful, it will come back to you!

There’s a quote that goes like this;

“If you take care of things, they last.”

Henceforth, you need to get better at building relationships even at the workplace.

Read also: How to become socially smart?