If you are going through anxiety, know that you are not the only one.

There is so much going on around the world and our heads that feeling anxious is normal. YES… Anxiety is normal. Having agoraphobia is normal.


What is anxiety?

Well, it’s just another word for stress/uneasiness/ relentlessness but on an extreme level.

When anxiety hits you, it gets darker and darker. You feel like you are trapped somewhere in your own darkest nightmares.

And once in a blue moon, it’s okay… but if something traumatic happened in the past, it’s almost impossible to forget about it.


How to deal with anxiety?

In life, nothing is smooth all the time. Ups and downs are part of life. Since so many events keep on happening, we lose track of precious happy moments and only remember the stressful times of our life.

But there are many things that we can do to make our life better and feel relaxed.

Some of them are:

Try to have control over your thoughts

Anxiety hits you if you are triggered by something. You don’t let something trigger you and try to remain in control.

For this, consider doing:

  • Do Meditation
  • Listen to relaxation music
  • Create a Mandala art

Keep your surroundings clean

I am sure you know about ” out of sight, out of mind”. So, try your best to only have positive things around you which will help you become your true self.

You can decorate your room with the things that you love. Also, try to have things in shades of white/ pastel/light, so that your personal space does not look gloomy and depressing.

Read this: How to change your life?

A woman trying to enjoy her life

Spend time in nature

Nature is a beautiful space to forget about all the worries and stress. So, if you ever feel gloomy sitting in your comfort zone.

Try to come out of it and spend some quality time in nature with beautiful flowers, trees, and plants around you.

You can also do gardening or just give water to the plants if you have one garden.

Also read: How to build good habits?

The more you stay out in a fresh environment, the better you will feel. This will also keep you distracted from your overthinking nature.

Communicate with your friends

There are so many things that you may not be able to say to your family members but you can always trust your friends on that.

So, try to communicate with your friends about your thoughts and they will surely have some advice on that!

Also, if you are a typical introvert, try to socialise at your level. Because we all need friends in our thick and thin.

Two friends hugging each other.

If nothing else, try to let your parents know about your anxiety issues. Nobody can take care of you better than them.

Or even better, just hang out together and have some fun. Don’t think, just do it.

But remember, you cannot forever avoid something. And sharing really helps you in a way you never knew it could.

Find happiness.

Lastly, I would say the more you focus on happy moments, the bigger they get. So, try to find happiness in the littlest of things and it will be a game-changer for you.

Try to move on from whatever hurts you. Give yourself enough time to heal and then focus on the better things.

The world is beautiful because you are in it. So, embrace it.

If there is no you, there is no world.

Thank you so much for reading my content. Hope it helps!

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