Hello beautiful people! I know that not every day is a good day but there is something good in every day. So, to help you remember the good things in life and feel grateful for them, I have come up with 50 anxiety affirmations that you can affirm in your free time.

So, let’s get started:

  1. I have everything that I need.
  2. I am God’s favourite child and he adores me.
  3. I am beautiful inside and out.
  4. Everything is working out in my favour.
  5. Good things are coming to me.
  6. Abundance is within me.
  7. Every day is a new start.
  8. I am grateful for my existence.
  9. I am grateful for the people who support me and love me in my thick and thins.
  10. My mind is healing and becoming strong every minute.
A happy mind, A happy life.
  1. My dreams are turning into reality.
  2. My heart is kind.
  3. I radiate positivity.
  4. The universe wants me to win.
  5. Miracles happen to me every day.
  6. I attract happiness.
  7. I am deeply cared for.
  8. I love myself.
  9. I am strong and confident.
  10. My energy is positive.

Also Read: How to make strong Affirmations?

People who love each other.
  1. Opportunities are always at my doorstep.
  2. I welcome everything with gratitude in my life.
  3. I am financially strong.
  4. I am learning new things every day.
  5. I am inculcating good habits into my daily routine.
  6. I try to be the best version of myself.
  7. I always focus on important things in my life.
  8. I work hard and make things happen.
  9. I am grateful that I can give back to this world in many ways.
  10. I put my faith in the universe.

Read: How to deal with Anxiety?

Prayer helps heal.
  1. I trust myself enough to do what is right for me.
  2. I am capable of making everything possible.
  3. I have enormous talents that I can put to use.
  4. I am valuable in many ways.
  5. I am worthy of everything I desire.
  6. I am brave.
  7. I am a warrior and nothing can beat me.
  8. I speak authentically.
  9. I am a risk taker.
  10. I have what it takes.
I am brave because I love the way I am.
  1. I have found my purpose.
  2. My mind is strong, powerful and magnificent.
  3. I am consistent.
  4. My heart, soul and brain are perfect.
  5. There is no doubt that I am a huge success.
  6. I always prove people wrong by being my true self.
  7. I am unstoppable.
  8. I am fearless.
  9. I am happy in my own space.
  10. I am the BEST.

I hope these daily affirmations would help you in whichever way possible.

Thank you so much for reading and appreciating my content. Love you all!

Take care! You are STRONG!

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