Whether it’s about the past or future, stress never leaves you alone!

I have a job I don’t like. I am starting to age. I can’t afford my dream car. What if things never get better with me and my husband? What if I ruin all that I have? What if I am not a good mother?

No matter what the situation is, stress has always been there. It has become our best friend that we don’t need or love.

And when every tiny thing becomes a challenge, you need to look for ways to relieve stress. You need to get back and find hope for all the possibilities. You cannot just sit around and do nothing about it.

I have made a list of things that you can give a shot to overcome stress.

Also, check out how to bring back excitement into your life, if you haven’t already.

Replace your energy!

Negative thoughts and stress go hand in hand. As a result, you need to replace negative energy with positive energy.

To be precise, replace negative words with positive words. Consequently, positive affirmations will help you become a better version of yourself.

Distract Yourself!

The next thing you can do to avoid stress is to distract yourself. You can either turn on some music or start dancing.

Distract yourself with something that interests you. Some of the ways by which I do so are:

  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Playing games
  • Painting
  • Sketching
  • Exercising
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Biking
  • Gardening

And the list goes on! There are so many things that you can start including in your routine to overcome stress organically.

I know with stress comes anxiety. But you have me as your backbone, so check out How to deal with anxiety. I hope that helps.

Practising Gratitude!

Honestly, gratitude is the best stress reliever. When we face stress, we don’t realise it at that moment, but we start criticising ourselves.

And criticism in no way is healthy. It brings no good to anybody. Therefore, it is important to practice gratitude in your life.

It is essential to appreciate what is there to support.


Sometimes you need to fathom that there are some things that you cannot control in life. Some things are inevitable, and you need to face them.

So why not accept those things and face them bravely?


Do not underestimate the power of communication.

When you communicate your thoughts with your loved ones, you are letting your energy out. Consequently, you are relieving stress.

At the same time, you might get the support and the encouragement that you need from the people you love.

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