Hello beautiful people,

I am not intellectual. I am not good at sports. I am so fat. I have got so many pimples. I am such a nerd. And the list goes on!!

I have been through all of them, and I am still going through many of them!

Today’s lesson is not about how to eliminate insecurities from life but rather about how to confront them. 

It’s because you can never escape all of your insecurities. However, you can take some small steps so that you don’t feel bad about yourself as much as you do now!

Also, if you want to know how to gain attention, go ahead!!

Okay, so back to the basics!! Down-listed is some of the steps that you can take to deal with insecurities easily.

Accept your insecurities

Okay, peeps!!! Firstly, you need to accept the fact that no matter how hard you try, insecurities are never gonna leave you alone

So, don’t try to run away from them. It’s practically impossible. The only thing you can do is ACCEPT it.

When you start to accept them, you’ll gently feel their presence. You know that they are always going to be there like your BFFs. And you know that you’re not afraid of BFFs.

Recognise your insecurities

The next thing that you can do is to recognise them.

To be precise, you need to identify your major and minor insecurities. You can even make a list

Once you are done with the list, study it deeply and try to understand why are you so insecure about it? Are you the only one who’s going through that? If others go through it as well, how do they cope with it

Face your insecurities

Now, you need to be brave and face them one by one. 

How to face them? Now, that’s an interesting question!! (Hehe)

  • Be ready for them.
  • Listen to your inner voice carefully.
  • Replace negative words with positive ones. ( for example, I am poor at sports – I am good at the games I like. )

Do not miss out on how to become more confident!