I know you forget to drink water despite knowing how beneficial it is to stay hydrated. It’s okay, everyone has been there. You’re not alone.

But you mustn’t avoid drinking water because our body consists primarily of water ( around 60%). Let me remind you about the perks of staying hydrated and how you can keep yourself hydrated all day long.

Benefits of staying hydrated

First things first, being hydrated keeps you physically active. That means even if you are dehydrated by only 2%, you’re gonna suffer. Your performance keeps on declining if your body does not get enough water. Ultimately, it’ll cause you more tiredness and exhaustion. You can read more about how to feel refreshed here.

Secondly, the more you keep yourself hydrated, the fewer headaches you’ll have, YES. You read it right. Fewer headaches! This is because our hydration affects our brain functioning tremendously. So, drink more and reduce unnecessary headaches.

Also, it is advised to drink more and more water to avoid/treat constipation.

Most importantly, it is an essential factor in your skin routine. Whatever you put inside your body, glows out!!! Moisturiser is good but not as smooth as water.

Also, if you are looking for a way to reduce inches, bless your stomach with some water and you won’t feel hungry!

How can we drink more water?

I know you know the 8*8 rule which states that we must consume an 8-ounce glass of water every day. But how are you gonna do that? It seems too much who only drinks 2-3 glasses of water.

But, you got me!! I know it’s a tough journey but we are going to do it together, okay?

#1 Reminders

I believe this is the easiest way to not forget to drink water. For me, Water reminder on the play store works amazingly.

#2 Water Bottle

Always, carry your bottle with you wherever you go. It’s just another reminder that works well if you keep your bottle close to you.

#3 Drink before eating

This is my favourite. Whenever you get an urge to have a snack or something. Drink water first. It’ll not only increase your water intake but will fill your stomach and you’ll eat less junk.

I hope this post was helpful. Thank you so much for reading.