Starting a day with some exciting routine can boost your overall performance of the day.

So, today in this post we will go through some morning essentials that you need to keep in mind and achieve every day to level up.

Let’s get started!

Be grateful

In our busy schedules, we forget to appreciate the little things that make life so happening and fulfilling.

Therefore, the best way to start your day is by being thankful for the day.

So, the moment your eyes are wide awake, thank god/ universe for at least 10 things.

This will help you stay positive throughout the day. Doing this activity consistently will also light up your world and bring you more of what you appreciate.

Also, make sure that every statement you make, you feel from the heart. Because real appreciation comes from within.

If you do so, you’ll see a major change in your attitude and behaviour. You’ll be more patient, happy and wise.

Some people also prefer writing journals, if you want to start doing so, don’t wait for a perfect moment. Start it today!

Also, affirmations play the same role, so you can include that as well in your morning routine.


The next thing you can do once you’re fully awake is to exercise.

It is up to you to either go for a walk in nature or have a workout session.

I don’t think I have to elaborate reasons to convince you on doing this because you know that exercising is good for your physical health.

However, what you may not know is that exercising daily can also help relieve stress and improve concentration levels.

Some people prefer yoga and meditation as well. You can add them to your list.

Drinking water

You don’t have to do this in chronological order, whenever you feel like drinking water you can have it.

But the reason why I made this a point is to remind you that the first thing your body should intake is water. This will hydrate your body and refresh you as well.

At the same time, it cleans the stomach from the inside and can also stimulate weight loss.

On top of that, the more hydrated your body stays during the day, the more glow will be there on your face.

Avoid gadgets

Honestly, most people including kids like to start their day by scrolling Instagram feeds. However, this is not at all recommended.

Instead, one should try to avoid gadgets for as long as one can.

This way you’ll develop control over your mind and you will be able to focus on more important things.

Showering and skin care

Most people love to shower at night but it is advisable to shower immediately after you wake up.

You should not waste time and delay showering. As soon as you are done with your exercise, you can go ahead with showering.

Showering rejuvenates you, prepare you for the long day ahead and also makes you smell good.

Make sure to follow a proper skincare routine to look beautiful all day every day.

Make a to-do list

You don’t want to miss out on anything. So make a list of whatever you plan to do today.

This way you won’t regret sleeping and doing nothing.

Also, remember to keep on checking your list and marking things done once they are achieved.

This way you’ll develop a habit of being punctual and professional even in your routine life.

Read a book

Reading a book at the beginning of the day can improvise your mood and help you act wisely.

If you’re not an avid reader, you can start a book by reading a few pages everyday.

I hope you can do these simple steps to make your life more interesting and happier.