Today, the era is such that even a toddler knows how to use electronic gadgets. And we don’t blame technology, because it has been developed to make our chores easy. Time is money, after all!

However, there is so much that is happening in the world in the blink of an eye. Upgrades and innovations are burgeoning at a pace no one ever imagined. As a result, people are dissatisfied with what they have. They feel like they are not enough. Even when they are driving a Mercedes and living in a beautifully designed house, they are not happy. They always want more. They keep on looking for more.

I get that shopkeepers want sales to keep up their jobs. Therefore, they market their product in a way that there is a huge line up in front of the store. Take iPhone as an example. I mean it’s great for them but not for us. In the next paragraphs, I shall be explaining how consumerism degrades our mindsets.

It makes you feel you are not enough.

All these promotions and advertisements make us believe that we are not enough. Marketers make us believe that we lack something. They make us believe that we are not enough if we don’t have a Porsche standing right outside the home. Or we are not making enough. We are not working hard enough!

Consumerism makes you spend more.

Do you ever notice why you buy some products when you don’t even need them? Why do you prefer a Starbucks coffee when you can make it on your own? The reason behind this habit is that we have become greedy. We love to buy things that we don’t even need to prove ourselves to the world. We squander a lot, and when we need money we are out of our pockets. We want other people to know who we are and how much money we have.

It makes you show off.

It’s a popular belief that if we are earning enough, we gotta show that with branded clothes, watches, cars, etc. If we don’t buy brands, then we aren’t sufficient. So, we purchase things, not for ourselves but to prove ourselves to others. And there’s a huge difference in both statements!

It decides your preferences.

Again, we are judged by how we appear to be. All these brands have made us superficial. We no more seem like humans to other humans. We are just brands to them. And if we don’t appear to be an expensive or highly reputed brand, we are not good enough to be friends with them. Ask yourself, do you really wanna be just a brand? 

Make you similar to others.

As far as I have noticed, everybody wants to be different/unique but they don’t realize that they already are. They are born and raised differently. However, to prove again god knows what (pride, worth), they buy things. What they don’t understand is that they are all just puppets. All of them have similar tastes, buying from the trendy brand is hardly proving who they are and the fact that they are enough.