We all face criticism in our life. I know it’s never easy but the experience can be made better if we keep some things in our mind while responding to them.

So if you’re someone who has a high temper and gets discouraged when someone condemns you. You gotta read this!

Listen carefully.

First things first, you should listen with all your ears. Else, you won’t even understand where you went wrong. I understand that the moment someone starts grousing, you feel dishonoured. But it’s not the right time to drown in the ocean of self-doubt. Rather listen carefully. Try to step into that person’s shoes and understand the reason behind his behaviour. Undoubtedly, it’s not always about you. It can be about himself as well. But you’ll only know when you listen than pre-assuming it. Do not try to interrupt them or question them. Don’t even try to defend yourself. There is always a reason behind everything a person does. Try to understand that.


Since you gave all your ears to the conversation, you might have an idea about who he is talking about; himself or you. And if you feel like it may have been about you, you shall mend your behaviour. We all know ourselves more than anyone else, so if there’s even a 1% chance that he is talking about you. Learn from it. Work hard to change that. So that, next time nobody ever criticises you about that.

Don’t take everything to your heart.

As we already discussed, the criticism could be either about them or you. So if you feel like it’s not you then don’t take his words to your heart. Try to stay calm and let them finish. It’s okay! They might be going through tough times. Be kind. Or this is how they usually behave with everyone. Don’t bother yourself much if you know it’s not you!

Your response

Since now he is done with his statements, it’s your time to respond. If you feel like it’s about you, ask questions. You can ask him how did he come to know that? or anything. You can also step forward and ask how can you change that? Or more importantly, how can you make things better. And if it’s not you then just be kind. Acknowledge him for his observation and tell him that you’ll work on it or say exactly what you mean; I don’t think it’s me. Be calm and end things nicely.