Wow!!! Can someone answer that? Is it essential to be honest? Can we be truly honest with ourselves? How can being honest be good for us?

Well, well, well… make yourself comfortable because we are going to delve into these questions deeply. But first I would like to share my own story with you.

My story

For the past few weeks, I haven’t been in high spirits. There are no major problems. No financial crisis. I am going to work. I cook my food. I am sleeping well. I am going to the gym. Everything seems okay on the outside.

However, on the inside, I feel like a part of me is missing.

I have been in denial for a couple of weeks but now it’s time to get back on track.

I know I have been feeling no motivation to do things that I am passionate about and that’s okay because I don’t seek validation in doing what I love.

I talked with myself and conclude letting it be. If I am feeling not ready to get back then it’s okay. I’ll eventually do what’s right for me.

In all this process of just figuring my shit out, I realised that I was truly honest with myself even though when it was hard to acknowledge myself.

Honesty; what does it mean to you?

It is very important to define honesty in terms you would like to give and receive. Unless you don’t know what it means to you, you won’t be able to truly feel it.

From where I stand, honesty comes in different ways.

Firstly, when it is coming from outside, that means people I am close with, it should come at no cost.

I do not need to ask for an honest review or feedback, it should just naturally come to me from my people.

And when it comes to myself, I should be able to talk straight with myself about where I was impulsive and where I was sensible. Where I was wrong and where I was right.

In both phases, I should be able to look in the mirror and be eye to eye with myself.

If I don’t like something about myself. That’s okay. But that doesn’t just end with acceptance. After acceptance, comes change.

Transformation is the only way to evolve. So, I mean why not?

Why is being honest important?

Honestly, it’s just so rare to find honest people.

Because when someone is being honest we call them out as brutally blunt, disrespectful, straightforward, outspoken, and so on.

I know this for sure when someone honestly compliments us, we feel over the moon. But if the same person honestly tells us we could have done better or there was something wrong with us, we’ll be like OH!!! HE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT HE WAS SPEAKING.

I don’t understand why rather than questioning their perspective of us, why not ask ourselves if that’s the case? I mean who knows us better than ourselves?

If what they are saying is right then I believe that we should be grateful to have such people around us who can be immensely honest with us.

Also, being honest with yourself would make you feel confident, authentic and bold from the inside.

Can we be truly honest with ourselves?

Although we know what we are doing, and how we are behaving, still there are times when we cannot face ourselves.

It has happened to me countless times.

There are times when we know we did not do right, and we are not able to self-talk ourselves. Because, the deeper we think, the more we realise we were somehow wrong.

That means sometimes we are afraid of being honest with ourselves. Because honesty can feel shitty sometimes.

Are you honest?

How can being honest be good for us?

Honesty can be powerful for us in many ways.

If we are honest, we don’t have to remember the lies we told to different people, lol. You get what I mean, right?

Being honest can open the doors to heavenly life. Because Jesus likes honesty.

Moreover, honesty comes with acceptance whoever you are. This eventually makes us bold for the world out there.

All in all, I would like to say that if we all were to be 100% honest with ourselves and each other, the world would have been a simple place.